Data Access
The MaNGA DynPop catalogs are publicly available on Github, including (1) the stellar dynamical properties and (2) the stellar population and star-formation history properties for over 10000 galaxies from MaNGA survey.
The stellar dynamical properties are obtained using the well-established Jeans Anisotropic Modelling (JAM) method (Cappellari 2008; Cappellari 2020).
The stellar population and star-formation history properties are obtained from the stellar population synthesis (SPS) method using the Penalized Pixel-Fitting software (pPXF; Cappellari&Emsellem 2004; Cappellari 2017; Cappellari 2023).
If you use any data below, you are requested to cite the paper in the section where the link to the data is given.Paper I
The JAM catalog file SDSSDR17_MaNGA_JAM.fits
and the data model file SDSSDR17_MaNGA_JAM_datamodel.pdf
can be downloaded from here.
The supplementary files including the MGE models and the mass profiles will be released once prepared.
Paper II
The stellar population (SP) and star-formation history (SFH) catalogue (DynPop2_SPSFH_v1.hdf5
), the data explanation (SP_catalog_explanation.pdf
), and an example PYTHON script for reading the catalogue (
) can be downloaded from zenodo.